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Option Idea: Bull Call Butterfly Spread in Lean Hog Futures
By Derek Frey | Published  10/30/2007 | Futures , Options | Unrated
Option Idea: Bull Call Butterfly Spread in Lean Hog Futures

Market: December 2007 Lean Hogs (LHZ7)
Tick value: 1 point = $400.00
Trade description: Bull call butterfly spread
Option expiration date: 12/14/07
Max risk: approximately $400.00
Max profit potential: $1600.00
Risk reward ratio: 4:1

Buy a December 2007 Lean Hog 55 and 65 call while selling two 60 calls for a max cost and risk of 1.0 point ($400) or less to open a position.

Hogs have seen a very steep decline in the past few weeks, but we are now approaching a strong support level and expect to see this market turn back up in the near term. Many indicators like stochastics and RSI are about to issue buy signals and our proprietary model is showing a high probability of a reversal in trend in the coming days. This trade offers a very attractive risk to reward ratio as well as a low absolute dollar figure to risk. Hogs can trade any where between 56 and 64 for us to profit so we have a huge 8.00 point range in which we can profit.

Profit Goal
Or goal is to catch a move anywhere between 56 and 64 on the Dec. futures price. Break even assuming a 1.0 point fill would be 56 and 64. A 400% gross profit would be realized if the futures price expires at 60.

Risk Analysis
Max risk, before commissions and fees, and assuming the above mentioned fill would be $400.00. The full premium paid for the spread is lost at expiration if the market expires above 65 or below 55.

Derek Frey is Head Trader at Odom & Frey Futures & Options.

Risk Disclaimer
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Trading futures and options is not suitable for everyone. There is a substantial risk of loss in trading futures and options.