High Correlation Stock Scalps For October 3 |
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High Correlation Stock Scalps For October 3
If the stock market can move sectors and stocks, which sectors and stocks are most likely to move in step with the stock market? Sectors and individual stocks most highly correlated to the overall market can use the S&P 500 SPDR ETF (SPY) as a directional indicator.
The following individual stocks are most correlated the S&P 500 SPDR ETF (SPY).
AIG Amer Intl Grp MET Metlife Inc MS Morgan Stanley C Citigrp Inc UNP Union Pacific Corp BAC Bank of America Corporation TWX Time Warner MDLZ Mondelez Int'l Inc Cl A JPM JPMorgan Chase & Co AMZN Amazon.com Inc CVX Chevron Corporation
Dave Mecklenburg is the Publisher of TigerSharkTrading.com.