High Correlation Stock Scalps For June 10 |
By Stock Scalper |
High Correlation Stock Scalps For June 10
Long intraday setups on market and sector confirmation. Entry is a strong break of the previous day's high.
CSCO Cisco Systems DIS Disney (Walt) Co AAPL Apple Inc HON Honeywell Intl ALL Allstate Corp PYPL PayPal Hldgs Inc MSFT Microsoft Corp CELG Celgene Corp LMT Lockheed Martin Corp NVDA Nvidia Corp PEP Pepsico Inc AMZN Amazon.com Inc BKNG Booking Hldgs Inc MCD McDonald's Corp INTC Intel Corp MMM 3M Co UNH UnitedHealth Grp Inc CHTR Charter Communications Inc BK Bank of New York Mellon Corp
Dave Mecklenburg is the Publisher of TigerSharkTrading.com.