High Correlation Stock Scalps For July 8 |
By Stock Scalper |
High Correlation Stock Scalps For July 8
Long intraday setups on market and sector confirmation. Entry is a strong break of the previous day's high.
BKNG Booking Hldgs Inc V Visa Inc GOOGL Alphabet Inc Cl A GOOG Alphabet Inc Cl C Cap Stock LOW Lowe's Cos, Inc ALL Allstate Corp IBM Intl Business Machines Corp FB Facebook Inc MA Mastercard Inc ACN Accenture PLC (Ireland) NEW PYPL PayPal Hldgs Inc MSFT Microsoft Corp ABT Abbott Laboratories LMT Lockheed Martin Corp ORCL Oracle Corp BLK Blackrock Inc'A' NFLX Netflix Inc AAPL Apple Inc HD Home Depot Inc SBUX Starbucks Corp AMZN Amazon.com Inc MDLZ Mondelez Int'l Inc Cl A PM Philip Morris Intl Inc PG Procter & Gamble Co TGT Target Corp
Dave Mecklenburg is the Publisher of TigerSharkTrading.com.