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High Correlation Stock Scalps For March 22
By Stock Scalper | Published  03/19/2021 | Stocks | Unrated
High Correlation Stock Scalps For March 22

If the stock market can move sectors and stocks, which sectors and stocks are most likely to move in step with the stock market? Sectors and individual stocks most highly correlated to the overall market can use the S&P 500 SPDR ETF (SPY) as a directional indicator.

The following individual stocks are most correlated the S&P 500 SPDR ETF (SPY).

BKNG Booking Hldgs Inc
MA Mastercard Inc
COP ConocoPhillips
CMCSA Comcast Cl A
AAPL Apple Inc
XOM Exxon Mobil
PYPL PayPal Hldgs Inc
MSFT Microsoft Corp
DIS Disney (Walt) Co
CVX Chevron Corporation
NVDA Nvidia Corp
ADBE Adobe Inc
WBA Walgreen Boots Alliance Inc
NKE Nike Inc Cl B
SBUX Starbucks Corp
GOOGL Alphabet Inc Cl A
SLB Schlumberger Ltd
GOOG Alphabet Inc Cl C Cap Stock
SO Southern Co Inc
NFLX Netflix Inc

Dave Mecklenburg is the Publisher of