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Interview with Fibonacci Currency Futures Trader Barbara Rockefeller
By Tim Bourquin
Published on 09/21/2006
Tim Bourquin interviews John Netto, who discuss why she favors trading currency futures over the spot forex market, why the idea that the currency markets are easier to trade because technical analysis works so well is an old myth, and how traders can use the "Committment of Traders" report from the CFTC to make better decisions.

Interview with Fibonacci Currency Futures Trader Barbara Rockefeller

Barbara Rockefeller is an experienced trader and author of several books including "Technical Analysis for Dummies." Here we discuss why she favors trading currency futures over the spot forex market, why the idea that the currency markets are easier to trade because technical analysis works so well is an old myth, the book she recommends, and how traders can use the "Committment of Traders" report from the CFTC to make better decisions.

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Tim Bourquin is the co-Founder of the Online Trading Expo and the Forex Trading Expo and CEO of TNC New Media, a tradeshow and online media company.  Register to attend the largest convention for foreign currency traders, the Forex Trading Expo, by clicking here.