Bill Bonner
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Bill Bonner is the Founder and President of Agora Publishing, one of the world's most successful consumer newsletter publishing companies, and the author of The Daily Reckoning. Bill Bonner is also a frequent contributor to Strategic Investment. Bill Bonner is the author, with Addison Wiggin, of the New York Times business best-seller Financial Reckoning Day: Survivng The Soft Depression of The 21st Century.
Articles by this Author
U.S. Gets a ‘D’ in Flation 101
What’s an investor to do? Without ‘deals on wheels,’ what will keep stocks rolling? And without rising house prices, how will consumers keep spending? And without consumer spending, what will prevent the U.S. economy from going into recession?
Moving to Cheaper Pastures
If prices keep going down at the present rate, the average house in America’s top 20 cities will lose more than 5% of its value this year. The bottom can be years away. It all depends on how much the Fed fights the slowdown (the more the Fed fights a needed recession, the longer the recession will be).
Welcome to the Subprime Nation
The poor subprime nation had it so good for so long. Now, it seems to be at the twilight of a magnificent – if preposterous – era, in which Americans could spend money they didn’t have on things they didn’t need and not have to worry about what happened next.
Worthless Money Now Worth Less
Investors must think that the Fed’s intervention in the credit markets will be as effective as the Bush Administration’s intervention in Mesopotamia. Some problems just don’t lend themselves to meddling from outsiders.
New Changes in Nascent China
Whole new industries are waking up to a new China, with a middle class, and millions of rich people too. It is the greatest leap forward ever.
The Mystified Economic Explorer
Everyone, everywhere uses the U.S. dollar as a reference, and a substitute, for wealth. But what are these dollars really worth, and how do you know what anything else is worth?
An Economic ‘Ground Rush’
Just when you begin to think that comfy trends are permanent, suddenly, everything changes. All that ‘flation’ in the system explodes...prices soar...or collapse, and markets are hit.
Drinks on the Fed
How do you make a lot of money in this kind of finance-driven economy? Simple. You sell things to rich people.
Greenspanning the Breadth of Responsibility
Everyone wants to know what the Maestro was really thinking.
Just Like Japanese Bailout Buckets
The feds are bailing out the big banks as fast as their buckets allow, even though the rescuers are bound to make the situation worse, just as they always do.