Bill Bonner
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Bill Bonner is the Founder and President of Agora Publishing, one of the world's most successful consumer newsletter publishing companies, and the author of The Daily Reckoning. Bill Bonner is also a frequent contributor to Strategic Investment. Bill Bonner is the author, with Addison Wiggin, of the New York Times business best-seller Financial Reckoning Day: Survivng The Soft Depression of The 21st Century.
Articles by this Author
To Hell In A Bond Basket
It's a merciless war between inflation and deflation.
Bizarre Conditions For A Bull Market
The state with the biggest economy in the nation is going broke. How could there be a bull market?
The Used Car Industry Salesman
That the president of the United States of America is now creating the business plan for an automobile company is surely a sign of something big.
An Avalanche Of Claptrap
The US Federal Reserve has been authorized to "print" $1.75 trillion worth of new money in order to buy Treasury bonds.
Bailouts The Plaque Of Economic Hygiene
If the US economy is really following Japan, things are going to get a lot worse. Japan’s output is collapsing – at a 15% annual rate last quarter.
Deficits Threaten US Dollar Supremacy
The underlying economy is not really getting better. It’s actually getting weaker.
When Will The Rebound End?
The average bear market bounce in the stock market lasts only two months.
Inflation Targeting Perils
Will it be runaway inflation or deflation that refuses to run anywhere?
Time To Sell Stocks
Since March 9, world stock markets are up 37% -- about average for a post-crash bounce.
GM And US Going Broke
Either the US cleans up its ledgers or it will be downgraded like a bad company.