Articles by this Author
Pay Attention To The Money At Risk
So many traders get caught up on how much they are making per day instead of focusing on the risk they are taking.
Take Your Lumps In Trading
One of the maddening things about trading is that it resists any and all attempts to turn it into a regular business activity.
Know Your Trading Flow
Why is Boris Schlossberg a proponent of trading flow -- trading in the direction of the immediate trend.
Trade Like A Professional Gambler?
What can traders learn from professional gamblers?
Touch Trading
The brain is a pattern-recognition machine and when focused properly, it can quickly deepen a person's grasp of a principle.
Improving Your Trading By Watching Tennis
Traders must anticipate price action in order to profit.
No Luck In Trading
Like almost every action in life where chance plays a role, trading is subject to luck, but traders should never let a string of bad luck trades affect overall strategy.
Citizen Of The World
Boris Schlossberg explains how trading connects him to the rest of the world.
Too Clever For Your Own Good
Instead of following market direction, traders always want to fade it, because they think they know best.
Learning To Lose
To trade well, you must learn to lose. Trading at its core is the art of managing failure.