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 »  Home  »  Authors  »  Boris Schlossberg
Boris Schlossberg Bookmark this Author Bookmark this Author  

Boris Schlossberg serves as director of currency research at GFT, and runs

Articles by this Author
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» Tricks To Minimize The Stress Of Trading
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 05/1/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

What's Boris Schlossberg's trick number one for minimizing stress for traders?

» Tough Love From The Market
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 04/24/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

You can either listen to what the market is telling you or you can lose all you money.

» Never Compromise With The Market
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 04/16/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

Sometimes our trading strategy does not quite set up, but in order to participate we often compromise.

» The Weight Of Our Convictions
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 04/10/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

The market is both a voting and a weighing machine, and it is our duty as traders to make sure we respect both factors before entering the fray.

» How To Successfully Second Guess Yourself
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 04/3/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

Does second guessing yourself give you an edge over automated computer trading?

» Why Leverage Is Like A Drug
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 03/27/2011 | Currency | Unrated

In finance, the drug of choice is leverage.  Traders are enticed with ridiculous leverage offers to get them hooked.

» How To Be The Most Boring Trader In The World
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 03/20/2011 | Currency | Unrated

In times of high volatility, it's time to cut your position size.

» Appreciating Asymmetrical Risk
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 03/12/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

As traders, we face asymmetrically risk every single day.

» Leverage With Minimal Risk
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 03/5/2011 | Currency | Unrated

Leverage is the crack cocaine of the financial markets.

» The Ten Percent Solution
By Boris Schlossberg | Published 02/26/2011 | Currency , Futures , Options , Stocks | Unrated

All setups are worthless if you don't practice proper risk control.

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