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» How Much Further Down Will The Stock Market Go?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 06/8/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

This week's video shows where we'll find support on the coming move lower.

» What Will The Stock Market Do Next?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 05/30/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek takes a look at some of his recent trades for clues to what the stock market will do next.

» Failing Leadership In Oil And Gas Stocks
By Peter Reznicek | Published 05/26/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek discusses the failing leadership of Oil and Gas stocks, which may put us in a down to rangebound situation.

» Will The Stock Market Take A Pause?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 05/18/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek shows why the current bull run in the market might be ready for a pause.

» Are Brazilian Bank Stocks Ready For Another Move Upwards?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 05/11/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek wonders if Brazilian bank stocks are ready for another move upwards.

» What's Happened to Fertilizer Stocks?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 05/3/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Once hot fertilizer stocks look to be doing a classic reset, and might not be bargains after their recent sell-off.

» Using Pivot Points in Your Trading
By Peter Reznicek | Published 04/26/2008 | Futures , Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek shows how to use pivot points in your trading.

» 30 Ideas for the Week Ahead
By Peter Reznicek | Published 04/20/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek gives 30 ideas for the week ahead.

» Will We See a Gap Down on Monday?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 04/13/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek thinks that a likely scenario on Monday is a minor gap down into support and a relief rally.

» Bullish on the Stock Market
By Peter Reznicek | Published 04/6/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek says stay bullish for now, and thinks the market could easily see about 70 more S&P points to upside from here.

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