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» Right Shoulder of Inverted Head and Shoulders?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 03/30/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek investigates the build-out of the right shoulder of an inverted Head and Shoulders pattern.

» Bullish Pattern Forming in Broad Market?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 03/22/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek points out a rare bullish pattern that is forming in the broad market that may be telling us a rally is at hand.

» What Affect Will an Interest Cut Have This Week?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 03/16/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek looks at the shortened trading week ahead, which contains an FOMC announcement and the largest IPO in history.

» What Will Happen to the S&P at New Lows?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 03/10/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek looks at what could happen this week as the S&P touches down to prior 2008 lows.

» How to Spot Trending Days
By Peter Reznicek | Published 03/3/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek explains how to spot and take advantage of trending days within the first half hour.

» Stock Market Ready to Move Higher this Week?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 02/24/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek points out some bullish divergences in market internals that support a move higher this week.

» Twenty Trade Ideas
By Peter Reznicek | Published 02/18/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek presents twenty trade ideas.

» Market Volitility Signals Bottom?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 02/10/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

In this week's video, Peter Reznicek investigates whether recent increases in volatility are a signal of a bottom.

» Up Week for S&P and Dow?
By Peter Reznicek | Published 02/2/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek thinks the S&P and Dow will be up next week, while the Nasdaq will lag a bit.

» S&P To Bounce Off Pivot Point
By Peter Reznicek | Published 01/27/2008 | Stocks | Unrated

Peter Reznicek thinks the S&P is headed back up.

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