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The Lion In The Grass
A Lion in the Grass is different from a Black Swan. A Black Swan is a random event, something that takes us all by surprise. A Lion in the Grass is not random, and is lurking outside our vision.
Just One Side Of The Trade
Most traders are not psychologically capable of changing styles in mid-market.
The Beginning Of The Endgame
While the problems in the US, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Europe all stem from too much sovereign (government) debt, there are very real differences in how the Endgame plays out.
Being A Professional In Trading
Trading systematically does not mean that we should abandon discretion altogether, but rather that we should have a logical well tested structure to our trading.
Into The Matrix
What does the current environment of earnings and valuations tell us about the prospects for the US stock markets in general over the next 3-5-7-10 years?
Discipline For The Impulsive
If you want to trade for a long time, perhaps even a lifetime, you need to trade in a way that complements your personality rather than suppresses it.
Where's All That Money Going?
For all the work that central banks around the world are doing to force liquidity into the markets, we are not seeing the results in terms of prices.
Three Key Questions To Being A Better Trader
The better you can answer those key questions, the better a trader you will be.
The Bang! Moment Is Here
We know that money is simply flying out of Greek banks. A number of them are clearly insolvent, yet they are meeting demands for withdrawals. Where is the cash coming from?
A Dysfunctional Nation
European leaders launched the euro project in the last century as an experiment to see whether political hope could become economic reality. What they have done is create one of the most dysfunctional economic systems in history.
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