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The Market Isn't Stupid
Traders that can contain their losses and keep their capital intact will no doubt be rewarded when the next big move comes along.
A Little Bull's Eye Investing
In secular bull markets, an investor should search for assets that offer relative returns -- stocks and funds that will perform better than the market averages.
The War For Spain
We simply must pay attention to what Spain has done this week. What we will find may be considered a tipping point when the crisis is analyzed by some future historian.
All Spain All The Time
Since Spain is going to be on the front page for some time, it will be useful to look at some of the problems it is facing, to put it all into context. And what John Mauldin heard while in Europe in private meetings is troubling.
A Random Walk Through The Data Minefields
John Mauldin takes a look at a few random subjects in this week's article.
Mound Weekly Futures And Commodities Review
James Mound reviews futures and commodities in his weekly report for the week of February 27.
Mound Weekly Futures And Commodities Review
James Mound reviews futures and commodities in his weekly report for the week of February 6.
Who Took My Easy Button?
Everyone knows by now that the US is facing difficult choices. Depending on what assumptions you use, the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare are between $50 and $80 trillion and rising. It really doesn't matter, as there is no way that much money can be found, given the current system, even under the best of assumptions. Things not only must change, they will change.
How To Bounce Back After Getting Hit By A Bus
Constantly ask yourself what you can do better next time.
Investment Alternatives In A No-Growth Market
The stock market is booming. Is this the start of something big?
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